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Concept for Broken Arrow, Putin Rendition 2022.1

Concept for Broken Arrow, Putin Rendition 2022.1

This novel is a continuation in the saga of Ralph Arnold and his adventures through life as a veteran with PTSD in a crazy world. When Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th of February this year, I thought that this might be an opportunity to utilise Ralph and his...
Concept for Broken Arrow, Heart of Darkness

Concept for Broken Arrow, Heart of Darkness

Hi crew. This was a novel that just had to be written, for many reasons. My protagonist is Ralph Arnold, a Veteran who came home with undiagnosed and untreated issues arising from his war service. In my Leader Files series, these issues led him to be portrayed as the...
Inspiration for GAMMA

Inspiration for GAMMA

Hi crew. Last year I wrote about my inspiration on the first book in The Leader Files series DELTA and how it came to me. It was a fragment of a story plot around the protagonist character. Exploring his experiences of a variation of a quazi dream-sleepwalking series...
The making of DELTA

The making of DELTA

How did this novel come about? I still find myself reflecting on that question. Writing has been something that I have always done in the background to my daily grind of employment. Since the early 1990’s, during my time in the Navy, I have felt the urge to scribble...

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